Monday, December 14, 2015

Cat-er-zilla and Great Day Strawberry Picking at Hunsaker Farms!

Okay, my computer has got a virus or something and it won't turn on so I can't rearrange my pictures very easily with my phone. Please forgive the mish mosh! Today we went to Hunsader farms to pick strawberries and bought a few other items as well. They had a complimentary petting zoo and playground and it was a really fun day spent with some friends of ours.

And I still have to do some research to find out what kind of Caterpillar this is that I found in the puppy pen this morning. I need to figure out what it eats so we can watch him grow into whatever it grows into!

And lastly, before you go, I invite you to check out this little video of Olivia communicating with a small flock of sandhill cranes. This was a great day!

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