Thursday, September 10, 2015

Korbin's 3rd Bday & more excitement :/

Happy Birthday to my little guy Korbin!! 

Auntie sent a fun gears game that the kids are loving!

And of course we love making houses out of boxes for our dollies (and Hulk!).

Miss Sophie is enjoying the benefits and extra attention of an expectant mom!! We hope for puppies before Halloween.

Homeschool play date day is always a hit....even though Carly had a pretty decent fall onto her tush and Olivia got stung by a wasp.

Korbin found this little cocoon that he kept calling a "jacuzzi." <3

Girl Scouts Snack Badge Day

The girls stumbled upon a sticker doll house toy (similar to paper dolls) and were occupied for hours one day. :)
Olivia likes to help me cook sometimes and we ended up having a little accident when Carly was allowed to stir a roux. :( The first pic was right after it happened and the second was the next morning. She is healing nicely now though.

Another awesome Goodwill find here>>>

They are called Hexabits and are SOOOO fun!! lol

Even during school ;)

And here was a happy snack Olivia insisted I photograph...

And here is a pic of a new family member who will be arriving next week!!! This little guy will make Sophie's next litter of pups ALOT easier to come by. Everyone meet Hershel.


  1. Those Hexabits look like so much fun! Now I'm going to have to order some. :) Poor Carly. That burn looks really bad! I'm thankful it's healing well though. Corbin's party looks like a hit. <3

  2. If u have lavender oil that works wonders on blisters!
