Sunday, August 30, 2015

This week in Florida....

First of all, Hurricane Erika has pretty much all but disappeared completely so we should just be having some really rainy days this upcoming week. Even if we lose power or something like that, we are well prepared to hunker down at the house and get some good ol' quality time in with the kiddos. :) 

We've had A LOT of Play-doh time lately.

Carly got to spend some time with Josh and came home with a new hat and a bow and arrow.

Now the girls each have their own and Korbin gets to play with the Nerf bow and pretend. ;)

We had a little incident and Olivia got a piece of tile tossed at her and busted her lip. No stitches. Korbin was in big trouble.

Aaaaand finally, we had a lovely playdate with some other homeschoolers. Hopefully going to happen every other Friday.

Lastly, I buzzed the side of my head. :)  I like it. I needed a change. 

1 comment:

  1. Ouch! Poor olivia! I LOVES the hair! I wished I was brave enough to do that...but u know I'm not ;-)
