Sunday, August 30, 2015

This week in Florida....

First of all, Hurricane Erika has pretty much all but disappeared completely so we should just be having some really rainy days this upcoming week. Even if we lose power or something like that, we are well prepared to hunker down at the house and get some good ol' quality time in with the kiddos. :) 

We've had A LOT of Play-doh time lately.

Carly got to spend some time with Josh and came home with a new hat and a bow and arrow.

Now the girls each have their own and Korbin gets to play with the Nerf bow and pretend. ;)

We had a little incident and Olivia got a piece of tile tossed at her and busted her lip. No stitches. Korbin was in big trouble.

Aaaaand finally, we had a lovely playdate with some other homeschoolers. Hopefully going to happen every other Friday.

Lastly, I buzzed the side of my head. :)  I like it. I needed a change. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Beach Clean Up & Bok Tower Gardens

Here are my pictures from our Girl Scouts Beach Clean-Up Day :) The kids and I went swimming at the nearby public pool afterwards and it was really a fun day for all of us.

I had an errand to run about 1 1/2 hours north of our place so I nosed around online and found Bok Tower Gardens.  

The kids had fun feeding the koi in the mote surrounding the tower.  We ended up getting a little rained on near the end of our visit, but no one seemed to mind very much.

More than anything else here, these giant lily pads were totally worth the cost of admission.  They were absolutely amazing to see.....bigger around than a poker table!!

And a nice little rainbow as we left :)

Friday, August 14, 2015

Girl Scout Fun, Cooking Peaches and Blue Hair!

We had our first Girl Scouts meeting and then went to a school supply give-away at a local church. I'm really optimistic about participating with this troop and the girls are both beyond excited! (And yes, that is a big ol' snail in front of Olivia. We love creepy crawlies....for the most part!)

The kids got some awesome new books from an online book sale :)

Olivia wrote a letter to my brother in Colorado for his birthday this month. Not too bad! There is an incomplete sentence but she did really well for writing this completely without my help.

The kids and I took a little field trip/hike to the Mosaic Peace River Park and saw some BIG spiders...ha!  It was humid but we enjoyed a nice walk on the boardwalks.

This is a really neat board game we got at Goodwill for $2 called Crainium Balloon Lagoon. It has letter matching, picture matching, frog jump, and a dice roll picture match. It is perfect for my 3 to take turns with.

We had a bunch of peaches from the store so we cooked up a yummy pie and a big batch of jam. Olivia did A LOT of the steps herself, including dicing the peaches for the jam.

Carly helped me to peel the skins off of the peaches.

And Korbin got to put the measured ingredients into the pan for the pie filling.

Olivia was very excited on Monday (one of Josh's days off this week) to get to go fishing with Daddy. She drew this picture and wrote him a thank you letter before the rest of the family had even woke up!! SO CUTE!

We learned a little about Pablo Picasso and followed a YouTube video to make our own self portraits. The girls did AMAZINGLY. The pictures started with a big number "2" so we all have pointy noses. Left to right is Carly, me, and Olivia. We are going to do more with these pictures soon.

The girls have been asking for quite some time to dye their hair and I finally gave in today.  They call it their mermaid hair.