I woke up early this morning to get in a little exercise and make breakfast. A few minutes ago, this was my reality: Josh is in the shower getting ready for work, Olivia is in her bedroom singing (at the top of her lungs) a love song for the bacon I'm cooking, Carly has just wandered out and is drowsily eating her Bento inspired breakfast, and Korbin is sitting under the kitchen table with his empty nerf gun, shooting our ankles with a "peew! peew! peew!" sound. Loving my life at the moment!!
My day took a nosedive right before lunchtime...I was outside hanging some Christmas lights when I heard dogs fighting. It ended up being the neighbors two large dogs attacking my chihuahua Peppy. I think he's going to be alright, he has bloody puncture wounds on each shoulder. Then to top it all off, I came in the house and realized that our German Shorthaired Pointer had eaten the bacon that was left to cool on the counter. But right now I'm just thankful that Peppy looks like he's going to be ok.
DECEMBER 1, 2014
What's under the towel!??
Fresh Homemade Bread! YUMMM!
DECEMBER 2, 2014
The fresh bread was such a big hit, I made 3 more today smile emoticon And I'm trying to make overnight cinnamon rolls from scratch for the first time tonight! Fingers crossed!
DECEMBER 5, 2014
This is one of our homeschool activities for today. Find the gingerbread bears! smile emoticon I will have Olivia write where she found the bear and what the bear is holding.
Fixing up a Country Boil for dinner tonight. I even have a live crab to throw in!! (At my fingertip in the picture)
It needed a lot more seasoning, but was still good. I know for next time!
DECEMBER 7, 2014
The girls had to stop for a photo op with this beautiful little patch of bromeliads while we were on our walk this afternoon.
DECEMBER 8, 2014
Guess who found a marker out by the sandbox this morning. He even managed a couple marks on his back!
This is our spelling test for today. I made the game "Spell the Beans" out of dry lima beans using a permanent marker. Olivia loves it!
DECEMBER 10, 2014
Just scored these for Carly at Dollar General this morning!
DECEMBER 18, 2014
This evening, the girls brought me a large broken hand mirror, saying they had found it like that in Korbin's room. When asked what happened, Olivia said they screamed really loud like this ***high pitched scream*** and it broke. I was laughing so hard on the inside, I had her throw it away and just sent her to bed. (It was bedtime.) I'm pretty sure she knew that I KNEW she was telling a story.....
DECEMBER 19, 2014
I know I said we are on a school break, but these opportunities for learning just keep throwing themselves in our faces!! We happened upon some dry ice today and the girls are BEGGING me to look up how it works and why it burns your finger if you touch it! It makes me sad to think of how much of a dormant parent I was before we started homeschooling. I love that these kiddos are so excited to learn!
Korbin finally had the girls right where he wanted them....
DECEMBER 19, 2014
So here's what took up much of my day today. I made a triple batch of pancakes this morning...some for breakfast and some for the freezer. I made a triple batch of "refried" beans for freezer and a batch of potato corn chowder with homemade rolls for dinner. Oh, and a little over 80 choc chip walnut banana muffins for the freezer and snacks. Whew!! I know I shouldn't, but I think I'll save the dishes for tomorrow!!
DECEMBER 29, 2014
As weird as it sounds, it was such a relief to get back to homeschooling today! Olivia had a lot of fun with the solar system model and Carly even helped paint a couple of the planets.